CCTV Surveillance System

Cross Point Middle East Technologies offers video
surveillance and video management solutions for commercial environments such as
Industrial units, shopping malls, commercial buildings, hotels, Port, Safe city
solutions etc. These spaces require a robust surveillance system to ensure the
safety of personnel and improve operational flexibility.
Safe City Solutions

Creating a secure and serene environment is essential for cities to develop and thrive. To mitigate the impact of increasing crimes and other emergencies, city authorities require real-time information and insights into what is happening in and around their districts.
There is a growing case for utilizing new and emerging technologies in the drive for safer and efficient cities. In this context, integrated public infrastructure security solutions provide a comprehensive framework for a single, holistic operational view and access to real-time visual, audio and location-based information.
These solutions help make cities safer and secure by empowering authorities to
prevent, manage and respond to potential risk scenarios effectively.