CCTV Surveillance System

Loss prevention plays a key role in effectively maintaining profit margin in the retail industry. Implementing a retail surveillance system can be a powerful way to achieve this goal.

CCTV Surveillance systems provides numerous long-term benefits such as reduced retail shrinkage, maximized store profits, lowered insurance rates, and ultimately a decrease in the number of theft cases. Security cameras also help instill a safer, more inviting store environment for patrons

Remote Monitoring & Central Control Room

Outside of Loss prevention, our retail security systems that are equipped with Remote Access and Monitoring helps the retailer in managing inventory, Precision marketing, Operation optimization & management and optimize customer shopping experience

Cross Point Middle East Technologies Offers Customizes CCTV surveillance solution for each and every customer to meet their unique store design and security need. Based on a deep understanding of what each and every type of business need, we offer bespoke solutions that specifically answer the most concerning questions.